Most foot conditions are preventable, but they are ignored because there is a lack of awareness around proper foot care and knowing who to turn to for professional advice for the treatment of foot pain.

Our feet are the most foundational part of our entire body; Without them, we have no movement or stability. So why is it that we so often take them for granted? A study produced by the Inaugural 2017 Healthy Foot Survey co-commissioned by Australia’s top podiatry groups found that nearly 50% of Australians have dealt with some form of foot pain in their lifetime. What’s more, almost 60% of these respondents never sought the professional advice of a podiatrist. For both our children and ourselves, it’s imperative that we maintain the foot health by getting accurate diagnoses, staying educated on foot conditions, and seeking foot pain treatment from trained foot doctors that service foot and nail clinics in the surrounding area.
There are multiple causes of foot pain in adults and children. One of the most common causes of foot pain is the overuse or improper use of the foot. Like anything used consistently, our feet are at risk of wear and tear. Long hours at work, certain sports, and even improperly fitted shoes can give rise to foot pain due to abnormal movement. Another predictable marker for foot pain would be people who live with diabetes. Persons with diabetes experience diabetic neuropathy which causes them to lose feeling in their feet. Lastly, other conditions affecting the feet can be caused by improper cleaning, old age and being overweight, sometimes resulting in fungus growth.
Staying informed on causes and diagnoses for pain related to the feet is one way to help prevent any issues. Most podiatrists recognise that while the foot is at risk for various conditions, with proper care, most of these conditions are preventable.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot problems, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain in the arch of the foot. There is no definite cause, but risk factors include being overweight, constant over-stretching of the inner arch, and having tight calf muscles. When diagnosing this condition, a tell-tale sign is a pain upon standing in the morning, with the pain increasing with activity levels. It’s easily diagnosable, and treatment for plantar fasciitis includes arch supports in shoes, resting and icing the foot to reduce inflammation, and stretching. Alternative treatment for plantar fasciitis includes steroid shots that reduce inflammation.
Another very common foot condition is diabetic feet. Persons with diabetes are extremely compromised because inconsistent blood sugar levels damage nerves in the feet over time. Damaged nerves lead to loss of feeling and sensation in the feet and increased risk for danger due to lack of feeling. Because this population is at such high risk for dangerous foot conditions, such as toes or entire feet amputation, podiatrists recommend that people with diabetes get their feet examined at least once a year to ensure the integrity of these vital body parts. Diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy includes testing for response to induced pressure of the foot and evaluation of numbness, tingling, or no response at all. Podiatrists can’t reverse nerve damage in the feet from neuropathy but can provide diabetic foot treatment that prevents it from worsening. A history of smoking and alcoholism, as well as family genetics, all influence this foot condition. Diabetic foot treatment near you is readily available for people of this susceptible population.
The third most common foot condition is foot fungus. This condition is so common that it’s better known as athlete’s foot. It tends to affect the foot when it’s in damp, moist areas where fungus can thrive, a perfect place being the inside of an athlete’s shoe. The fungus that causes an athlete’s foot can be found on the bare floors of gyms, showers, or pools. (Anywhere that people walk around barefoot.) The condition is contagious and can quickly spread to other parts of the body. Diagnosis of an athlete’s foot includes an examination in a foot fungus clinic, where a foot doctor looks for itching, cracking, blistering and or peeling of the feet. This condition historically can be seen starting between the fourth and fifth toes, then expanding to the rest of the foot. Foot pain treatment for this condition involves keeping the area clean and dry. Antifungal treatments can help kill the fungus that’s already grown.
Because our feet are used so much in our everyday lives, it’s important that we maintain their health and seek out any foot pain treatment. Foot conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, foot fungus, and plantar fasciitis are all preventable conditions that if left undiagnosed, could result in serious life-altering results. Without the examination by a trained professional, you may be putting your precious feet at risk of amputation, permanent damage, and immobility. A foot doctor is a trained professional available to ensure your feet are always in optimal working condition. Take care of your feet under the direction of a podiatrist, and for many years to come, your feet will take care of you.
Call us now to gain a solution to any of your foot or mobility problems! We have diabetic foot treatments near you, including treatment for plantar fasciitis and local foot and nail fungus clinics to rid you of any foot pain.
Contact one of our clinics to discuss your personal foot problems and we can work out the cause of the issue and recommend a remidy.