Nail fungus is a common infection of the toes that causes nails to become discoloured, brittle or chip away. This fungus can spread to the entire foot, often referred to as athlete’s foot. Nail fungus rarely poses many threats to health unless left untreated, but the cosmetic defective nature drives many to seek treatment such as laser nail fungal treatment.
Currently, laser treatment has proven to be the most effective treatment in resolving nail fungus issues. A recent study by the American Journal of Family Physicians reported that laser treatment fungus removal is more effective than both over the counter and prescription medications. Nail fungus laser treatment is widely accepted as it can target the fungus microorganisms beneath the nail bed, while still leaving the nail bed intact. Non-invasive, laser nail fungal treatment sessions take anywhere from 10-30 minutes, in comparison to week-long scheduled antibiotic treatment. Overall, laser treatment has proven to be the most effective remedy for unsightly toenail fungus.

Laser nail fungal treatment also eliminates the risk of developing microbial resistance, as commonly seen when taking medication to treat nail fungus. This form of treatment also eliminates the risk of liver toxicity from medicine, and interaction with any other medicines currently being taken. There is no pain involved with cold laser treatment and very little pain for many with thermal laser. Results are seen in as little as a few months.
Cold laser treatment, also known as Lunula laser, is an exclusive type of laser fungal nail treatment. Differing from traditional laser treatments, Lunula laser uses a dual diode class 2 laser. This combines the antifungal effects of a shorter wavelength laser, with the regenerative effects of a higher wavelength laser to deliver a targeted, tailored form of repair to toenail fungus. Unlike other laser treatments, this promotes the best level of concentrated healing, in the least amount of time, producing a 95% success rate.
Similarly, the thermal laser also offers healing benefits for fungal nail treatment. This laser fungal nail treatment works through the use of heat to kill off the bacteria that causes fungus. Because the thermal laser uses heat to kill off the fungus, it is sometimes reported as the more uncomfortable option. However, with this choice of nail fungus laser treatment, 83% of patients reported clear healthy nail growth after 3 months.
While both forms of laser fungal nail therapy will help kill off unsightly fungus and rejuvenate the toes to their natural state before infection, the lunula laser is the best choice for comfort, quicker results and concentrated targeted treatment. With a thermal laser, there is always the risk that the fungus may not be completely removed and is able to thrive and regrow as if the laser application had never been applied. With Lunula Laser, the lower-powered wavelength allows for a greater antimicrobial effect. Unlike thermal lasers, the cold Lunula Laser also utilises specific wavelengths to encourage tissue rejuvenation and increase blood flow, ultimately speeding up recovery time. Whereas with thermal lasers you are only getting heat to kill microbial tissue, and there is no aid in rejuvenation.
Lunula Lasers are not offered everywhere, with their high price discouraging some. Here at Suncoast Podiatry, we take pride in only offering the highest standard of care and laser fungal nail therapy for our patients and include cold Lunula Lasers in our treatment options. Read more about our laser treatment for nail fungus here.
If you’re struggling with embarrassing unsightly toenail fungus, connect with us today to discuss the best, tailored options for your toenail fungus treatment.